will see u guys soon
arie brody
1When was the last time you cried?
urmm entah xingt la. Its been a while
2Have you ever faked sick?
3What was the last lie you said?
" nk tido lahh” padahal maen game :D
4Have you ever cried during a movie?
just setitik air mate je does tht count ?
5Who was the last person you couldn't take your eyes off of?
my cat sexy doh dyeee ;)
6Have you ever danced in the rain?
pernah looooong time ago
7Have you ever been drunk?
8Have you ever tried tried drugs?
9Do you smoke?
nope tp pernah cuba :)
10What's the farthest you've ever gone on a dare?
11What is your full name?
Mohammad Arie Brody bin sampornak bole ?
12What is your blood-type?
jap2 nk pg cek
13Have you ever been in a car accident?
nope. Hopefully it will never happen lah
14How old were you when you recieved your first kiss?
urmm. Aaaa. Nexxxttt.
15Who was your first kiss?
entah. All ready forgot tht person.
16Have you ever had an online relationship?
HAHA pernah kot
17Have you ever had phone-sex?
haha who’s tht lucky person ??
18Have you ever been rejected by a crush?
bodo jeh
19What is your favourite sport to play?
swimming and basketball
20Have you ever made a prank phone call?
a lot HAHA
21Have you ever said
said ape cibai ?
22What's your favourite childhood memory?
time sunat kott :DD
23Is there anything that you have done that you regret?
yeapp sgt bykk.
24What do you want to be when you grow up?
urmm aku jwb soalan nie time aku grow up bole? haha
25What is your political persuasion?
im not sure
26Have you ever had cybersex?
erhh yucks!
27Do you believe in g-d?
yup of cause.
28Do you believe in love at first sight?
29Do you believe in karma?
big yes dohhh
30Who was your first crush?
just let it be a secret okayhh? lgpn dye dh bole pg mati :D
31Who do you have a crush on?
HURMMMM SOMEONE THAT I ADORED SO MUCH, but not anymore kaw blh blaa.fuck.
32How would you describe yourself?
bareback HAHA
33What are you afraid of?
god ?
34Are you religious?
hmm u can say so.
35What does your screen name mean?
budak2 gempak yg xakan amik drug.
36What person do you trust the most?
mybestfren myb.
37Who was your first boyfriend/
lupe do :D
38What is the best compliment you have ever recieved?
awk nie artis ke ? haha sje gedik
39What is the meanest thing anyone has said about you?
" i dont want to lose you , i really love you so much , please , dont leave me " blah.
40What is the longest crush/
adoi lupe ahh xpenting pun.
41What is your greatest strength?
i can stay long in bed if u know wht i mean *wink wink*
42What is your greatest weakness?
I can easily forgive a person tht doing a bad thing 2 me
43What is your perfect pizza?
Macaroni cheese pizza :DD
44What is your first thought when waking up in the morning?
45What is your first thought before you go to bed?
berangan berangan . HAHA
46What college do you want to go to?
47Do you get along with your family?
48Do you play any instruments?
i play nothing
49What kind of music do you like?
wutever as long sedap didengar
50Do you think you're attractive?
u tell me lahh :))
51Would you ever get a tattoo?
neverrr ever buruk
52How many piercings do you have?
never ever buruk
53Who makes you laugh?
mr.Bean ??
54Who would you want to be tied to for 24hours?
my ehem i love u taw <3
55Have you ever seen a dead body?
yeapp twice
56Do you have a celebrity crush?
ohh yeee-ah bebeh
57What is one thing scientists should invent?
a flying car??
58Have you ever broken a bone?
yeapppp. Sakit dohh
59What happens after you die?
they get money ? haha
60Do you watch or read the news?
61What stereotype would you label yourself as being?
hmm. I don’t know
62Would your friends agree with that stereotypic label?
entah la babi
63If you could change your name, what would you change it to?
arie brody lahh :DD
64 Are you happy with the life you have?
so much then before .
1.Kekasih saya adalah :
milo ais!haha xde kene mengena
2. Saya sedang mendengar :
I’m yours
3. Mungkin saya patut ;
eat a healthy food. Yeaa rite
4. Saya baru sudah :
jawab soalan 3
5. Beza rakan, sahabat, kawan :
bla bla bla they are all the same
6. Saya tidak faham :
knp aku masih tiada kereta.
7. Saya perlu mencari:
a pants coz rite now im only were a love shape boxer
8. Ayat terakhir yang dikatakan kepada saya :
opah: ehh ingat kan arie ikut maa keluar.
9. Makna kehidupan :
life is fun when u enjoy it.knnnn
11. Saya paling suka :
apabila pergi bershopping dgn my mum and dad.coz I don’t have 2 use my money bebeh.
12. Saya akan cuba :
menjadi a tall person.
13. Mengapa rakyat Malaysia suka menggunakan LAH di akhir ayat mereka :
suka hati dorg-LAH ;))
14. Telefon bimbit saya :
sedang di charge
15. Katil saya :
agak tinggi dan byk bantal.its cozy ;D
16. Soalan yang bagi saya tidak perlu ditanya :
kaw nie lelaki ke perempuan?? Wtf!
17. Teknologi adalah :
bende yg canggih di dunia.wahhh*muka kagum*
18. Bagaimana saya boleh memasak masakan yang saya paling pandai masak :
belajar lahh adoiyai! Xpun just dial 1-300-88-tupai-tupai.HAHA
19. Semalam :
hang out dkt bukit bintang
20. Hari ini ;
ddk depan lapy blogging ;)
21. Malam ini saya akan :
having sex with someone blh??
22. Esok pula saya akan :
kemas baju yg berlamabak2 dkt luar bilik,haihh malas nyee.angkat tangan sape nk tolong?!haha
23. Saya betul2 inginkan :
selena Gomez gossh im so in love with her.is there someone look likes selena?? Give me ur hp number.plsss*wink*
24. Badminton atau futsal? :
either.basketball xde?
25. Karaoke :
yeahh. I can almost see it the dream im dreaming…kantoi minat Hannah Montana!
26. Kereta :
klw berduit Suzuki swift can?? Lai lai lai
27. Bilik yang terang atau gelap :
xterang xgelap. Tengah2 laa. Bru blh buat wild party.Yeahh semua org dinvite!
28. Makanan jepun adalah :
makanan jepun lahh.bodoo
29. Ayat terakhir yang nak anda katakan pada seseorang :
asal perangai kaw dh lain haa?? Yaya people do change.
30. Siapa yang anda tag :
-amira zafirah
Tag 10 people after you're done!
I have. . . (a point for each one)
1. smoked.
2. consumed alcohol.
3. slept in the same bed with someone of the opposite sex.
4. slept in the same bed with someone of the same sex.
5. kissed someone of the same sex.
6. had sex.
7. had someone in your room other than family.
8. watched porn.
9. bought porn.
10. tried drugs.
1. taken painkillers.
2. taken someone else's prescription medicine.
3. lied to your parents.
4. lied to a friend.
5. snuck out of the house.
6. done something illegal.
7. felt hurt.
8. hurt someone.
9. wished someone to die.
10. seen someone die.
1. missed curfew.
2. stayed out all night.
3. eaten a carton of ice cream by yourself.
4. been to a therapist.
5. received a ticket.
6. been to rehab
7. dyed your hair.
8. been in an accident.
9. been to a club.
10. been to a bar
1. been to a wild party.
2. been to a Mardi Gras parade.
3. drank more than three alcoholic beverages in a night.
4. had a spring break in Florida.
5. sniffed anything
6. wore black nail polish
7. wore arm bands.
8. wore t-shirts with band names.
9. listened to rap.
10. owned a 50 Cent CD.
1. dressed gothic
2. dressed girly.
3. dressed punk.
4. dressed grunge.
5. stole something.
6. been too drunk to remember anything.
7. blacked out.
8. fainted.
9. had a crush on a neighbor.
1. had a crush on a friend.
2. been to a concert.
3. dry-humped someone.
4. been called a slut.
5. called someone a slut.
6. installed speakers in your car.
7. broken a mirror.
8. showered at someone of the opposites sex's house
9. brushed your teeth with someone else's toothbrush.
1. consider/considered Ludacris your favorite rapper.
2. seen an R-rated movie in theater.
3. cruised the mall.
4. skipped school.
5. had surgery.
6. had an injury.
7. gone to court.
8. walked out of a restaurant without paying/tipping.
9. caught something on fire.
10. lied about your age.
1. owned/rented an apartment/house.
2. broke the law in the police's presence.
3. made out with someone who had a gf/bf
4. got in trouble with the police.
5. talked to a stranger.
6. hugged a stranger.
7. kissed a stranger.
8. rode in the car with a stranger.
9. been harassed.
10.been verbally harassed.
1. met face-to-face with someone you met online.
2. stayed online for 5+ hours straight.
3. talked on the phone for more than 4 hours straight.
4. watched TV for 5 hours straight.
5. been to a fair.
6. been called a bad influence.
7. drink and drive.
8. prank-called someone.
9. laid on a couch with someone of the opposite sex.
10. cheated on a test.
Grand Total: *shitee where’s my calculator?* oh I got 38.
If You Have Less Than 10.. write [im a Goody Goody]
If You Have More Than 10.. write [im still a goody goody]
If You Have more Than 20..write [im average]
If You Have More Than 30..write [im a bad kid]
If You have more than 40..write [im a very bad influence]
If You Have more than 50..write [im a horrible person]
If You Have more than 60..write [i should be in jail]'
If You Have more than 70..Write [i should be dead]
So in conclusion: I’m a rawksta *bad kid is to cute for me*haha ;)
I Tag:
amira zafira
Been tagged by faa.thank youu.
1. Apakah benda terakhir yang kamu beli dengan wang sendiri??
- Paradise adventure it’s a name of water actually
2. apakah bende paling penting dlm hidup kamu?
- my hunnybunny bantal busuk haha
3. Dimanakah tempat impian perkahwinan kamu??
- dkt rumah dh la my haven ;D
4. Berapa lama hubungan kamu berkekalan?
- with who??
5. Adakah anda sedang dilamun cinta??
- oh tidak saya single
6. Dimanakah restoran terakhir kamu makan malam??
- paradise restoran
7. Namakan buku terakhir yang kamu beli?
- never done that
8. Apakah nama penuh kamu??
- Mohammad Ariff Hafiz Sampornak
9. Kamu lebih senang dengan ayah atau mak??
-my chubby mummy ;))
10. Namakan seseorang yang ingin kamu jumpa dalam hidup kamu buat pertama kalinya??
- of coz my one and only selena Gomez! Beb call me k.haha
11. Sebutkan 8 nama sahabat yang paling rapat dengan kamu.
- arm
- apis
- zakiyy
- alyaa
12. Adakah kamu mencuci pakaian sendiri??
- im a rawksta and I got a washer machine
13. Tempat yang paling seronok yang kamu mahu pergi?
- bandung,Indonesia??
14. Butirkan 5 perkara tentang orang yang tag kamu..
- evil
- suke korek idung
- burp a lott
- durian lover
- photogenic
15. 8 perkara yang amat saya gilai??
- edit picture
- watching youtube
- watching porn ohh I love itt
- eat eat and eat
- shisha-ing
- aaaa lotttt of new clothes
- money money and money
- carls jr??
16. Pelukan atau ciuman??
- kiss when u wana have sex, hug when u wana say goodbye so I prefer kiss ;DD
17. 8 perkataan yang sering diucapkan??
- buduh
- oh shiteee theres a bumper
- oh damnnn u hot
- oh my god look at tht bitch
- goshh u smell
- rawrrrr gatal
- grrrr let me bite u
- sumpahsemuaniemengarut.
18. 8 buah buku yang paling baru di baca??-
- add math
19. 8 lagu yang saya boleh dengar berulang kali??
- L
- O
- V
- E
- G
- A
- M
- E
20. Mari men'TAG' 8 orang lain...
- zakiyy
- alyaaazman
- ulii azman
- nazirul
- pakcik jaga
- kaw
- yessss
- kaw